Cytopathology Specimen Collection
Please note the information provided is intended as a guideline. Turnaround time is measured from the time of receipt of the specimen at our laboratory to the time the tests result is made available to the client. As with all healthcare matters, the facts of a particular case may necessitate a turnaround time that is longer than stated.
Thin Prep PAP
Specimen Requirements:
Submit specimen in PreservCyt
Room temperature is acceptable
Turn Around Time:​
Approximately 24-72 hours. This may vary based on HPV testing
Special Instructions:​
Please do not submit the collection device in the PreservCyt vial
High Risk HPV and HPV Genotyping
Specimen Requirements:
Submit specimen in PreservCyt
Room temperature is acceptable
Turn Around Time:​
Approximately 2-4 days
Special Instructions:​
Please do not submit the collection device in the PreservCyt vial
HPV testing is typically performed in conjunction with the Thin Prep PAP. We use the same vial for both tests
See ASVVP guidelines to determine when HPV testing is appropriate
Urine Cytology
Specimen Requirements:
Specimen can be submitted in Cytolyt (preferred) or fresh (acceptable)
Room temperature is acceptable
50 mL is required for testing
Turn Around Time:​
Approximately 24-48 hours
Specimen Requirements:
Submit tip of brush in CytoLyt
Room temperature is acceptable
Turn Around Time​
Approximately 12-24 hours
Body Fluids: Pleural, Peritoneal, Pericardial, etc
Specimen Requirements:
Submit specimen fresh
for most cases, at leat 100 mL is needed for proper testing
Room temperature is acceptable
Turn Around Time​
Approximately 12-24 hours
Cerebrospinal Fluid
Specimen Requirements:
Submit specimen fresh
Submit as much specimen as is available. 1-5 mL is standard
Turn Around Time​
Approximately 12-24 hours
Special Instructions:​
Fresh specimens are time sensitive. Cell viability is affected by delays in delivery
Fine Needle Aspiration
Specimen Requirements:
Submit both fixed and air-dried smears
Submit aspirate in CytoLyt
If Flow Cytometry is required, submit a portion of the aspirate in RPMI
Room temperature is acceptable
Turn Around Time​
Approximately 12-24 hours
Special Instructions:​
To schedule an intra-operative FNA consultation please contact Central Oregon Pathology Consultants
Flow Cytometry
Specimen Requirements:
Peripheral Blood: 3-10 mL in green (sodium heparin) or lavender (EDTA) top tube
Bone Marrow Aspirate: 2-3 mL in green (sodium heparin) or lavender (EDTA) top tube
Malignant Fluids: 50-100 mL in collection pouch, depending on cellularity
Fresh Tissue Biopsy: I TRANSPORT MEDIA (RPMI)
Fine Needle Aspirate: in TRANSPORT MEDIA (RPMI)
Specimen must be refrigerated
Turn Around Time​
Approximately 24-48 hours. TAT is variable as we do not perform this test in-house
Special Instructions:​
Because Flow Cytometry is time sensitive, it is best to contact Central Oregon Pathology directly to schedule a pickup
If you do not have RPMI, tissue may be submitted fresh (in saline) and we will place it in RPMI
Specimen Requirements:
Peripheral Blood: 5-10 mL in sodium heparin (green tube)
Bone Marrow Aspirate: 1-2 mL in sodium heparin (green tube)
Bone Marrow Core: In RPMI media, FFPE is NOT acceptable
Fresh Tissue Biopsy: In RPMI media
Malignant Fluid: 50-100 mL depending on cellularity
Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF): In sterile tube with equal volume of RPMI
Turn Around Time​
TAT is variable as we do not perform this test in-house
Special Instructions:​
Because FISH is time sensitive, it is best to contact Central Oregon Pathology directly to schedule a pickup
If you do not have RPMI, specimen may be submitted fresh and we will place it in RPMI